




Medical (医疗品)

· Bandages(绷带)

− 2x Scrap of Cloth (2个碎布,撕碎衣服而来)

· FirstAid Kit (急救包)

· Saline (生理食盐水)

Buildings (建筑物)

Structure Wall (墙壁)

Shed (避难所)

− 2x Wood Log (2个木柴)

Shed Door(避难所的门)

− 2x Wood Log (2个木柴)

Storage Container (储存箱)

Hut/Cabin (储物柜)

Barricade (路障)

Tools (工具)

· Hatchet(手斧)

· Torch (火把)

− 1x Wood Stick + Flammable Substaces(1个木条+易燃物) (我不知道易燃物有没有专指什么物品)

· Carving Knife (雕刻刀)

· Flare (火炬)

· Matches (火柴)

Weapons 武器

Melee Weapons (近战武器)

Blunt Weapons (钝器):

· Bat (球棒)

· Crowbar(物理学神杖 起钉器)

· Guitar (吉他)

· Torch (火把)

− 1x Wood Stick + Flammable Substaces(1个木条+易燃物)

· Pipe (铁管)

Sharp weapons:

· CombatKnife (战斗小刀)

· Hatchet(手斧)

· Machete(砍刀)

· Spear (矛,可投掷)

· Wooden Axe (伐木工斧)

Ranged Weapons (远程武器) (我觉得用英文会比翻了好)

Pistols (手枪):

· M1911A1

· .44 Magnum

Rifles (步枪):

· AR-15s

· M16A4

· .308Hunting Rifle

Shotguns (霰弹枪):

· M1014

· improvised pipe shotgun (自制霰弹枪)

Others (其他):

· Bow (弓)

· Crossbow(十字弓)

· Spear (矛,可投掷)

Ammunition (弹药)

Ammunition List (弹药列表):(这个有些我想应该不用翻)

· 9mm Round

· .44 Round

· 5.56mm Round

· .308 Round

· Shotgun Shells (霰弹子弹)

· Arrows (箭)

· Bolts (十字弓箭)

Explosives (爆裂物)

Explosives List (爆裂物列表):

· Landmine (地雷)

Traps 陷阱

· Sharpened Stick Trap (尖刺陷阱)

· Animal Trap (动物陷阱)

· DewCollector (露水收集器,不要问我这为什么列在陷阱里)

Other Items (其他)

· BasicBackpack (基础背包)

· Sleeping Bag (睡袋)

· Cloth Sheet (布片)

· Furnace (熔炉)

· Coffee with Sugar (含糖咖啡)

· Sheetof Metal (铁片)

· Gunpowder(火药)

− Saltpeter (硝石)

· Campfire(营火)

− 2x Wood Log (2个木柴)

· Barbed Wire(铁丝网)

− Scrap Metal (数量未知的废金属)

· Metal Bits (金属钻头)

· Scrap Metal(废金属)

− Can be found on near cars &inside warehouses (可敲车子或在仓库内找到)
