守望先锋小美台词大全 小美互动对话大招语音台词一览






Hang in there.——在那儿躺着吧

Hey, chill out!——嘿,冷静点!

I got you something.——我有东西要给你

I hope you learned your lesson.——希望你能吸取教训


Ouch, are you okay?——噢!你没事吧?

Overcome all obstacles.——没有什么能难倒我


Sorry sorry sorry sorry.——对不起对不起

That was great.——刚才真好玩儿

The world is worth fighting for.(汉语)——这个世界值得我们奋战

Wishing you prosperity.(汉语)——恭喜发财


You have to let it go.——就让它过去吧


1. 对温斯顿:

美:我们可以抽时间交换一下笔记!(We should compare notes sometime!)

温斯顿:求之不得呢!那么你对托贝尔斯坦的重力模型理论怎么看?(That would be great! What's your opinion on the Toblesteins' gravitational models?)

2. 看见温斯顿击杀敌人后:

美:温斯顿,你真厉害!就像孙悟空一样!(Winston, you're so awesome! Just like Sun Wukong!)

3. 对“狂鼠”:

“狂鼠”:Brrr...光是看着你我就觉得冷。(Brrr... I get cold just looking at you.)

美:那你就别看着我。(Then you should look somewhere else.)

4. 对“猎空”:

美:猎空!你真是太不可思议了,我好激动!(Tracer! You are so amazing, you inspire me!)

“猎空”:美,你才是大英雄!(Mei, you're the real hero!)

5. 对“天使”:

美:齐格勒博士,我也没觉得你变老了呀!(Dr. Ziegler, I don't think you've aged a day since I last saw you!)

“天使”:你也没有,美。(And neither have you, Mei.)

6. 对“堡垒”:

美:堡垒,你会是一个完美的研究助手的。(Bastion, you would make the perfect research assistant.)

7. 对査莉娅:

美:查莉娅,我搞不懂为什么你们那儿那么冷你还穿这么少!(Zarya, I don’t understand how you can fight in the cold wearing so little!)

査莉娅:如果你把你的大衣给我,我就告诉你我的秘密。(I'll tell you my secret, if you give me your coat.)

8. 对卢西奥:

美:我能要你的签名吗?(Can I have your autograph?)

9. 对D.Va:

D.Va: 小美!我喜欢读你的日记!真羡慕你能去那么多地方。(Mei! I love reading your journal! I'm so jealous you get to go to all those places.)

美:可不是吗,我想你应该多出去玩玩。(That's true, I guess you don't get to travel very much.)

10. 对托比昂:

托比昂:我在想能不能让我看看你的那个小机器人……(I was wondering if I could take a look at your little robot...)

美:可以是可以,但是你要管好你的锤子。(I suppose so... just keep that hammer to yourself.)

11. 在炎热地区

美:哎呀...我觉得我可能穿得太多了!(Phew... I think I might be a little overdressed for this place!)

12. 在漓江塔

美:回家的感觉真好。(It's good to be back home!)

13. 在俄罗斯

美:你想不想堆个雪人?(Do you want to build a snowman?)


  • 守望先锋



